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Meison contingent in a pro-Derg rally; possibly May Day 1977 |
Below I am
pleased to reprint an editorial from Abyot, the English-language
publication of the Study, Publication and Information Center of the
Foreign Committee of the Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Party,
from the February–March 1978 issue. The editorial is a bitter,
angry polemic against the All-Ethiopia Socialist Movement, known as
Meison or Meisone, the EPRP’s primary competitor on the civilian
left. This editorial is really evocative of the political discourse of the time.
Meison sided with the ruling military Derg against the EPRP, and its members were among those leftists who trained the military cadre of the Derg in Marxist-Leninist concepts. Meison seems to have integrated itself into the security apparatus of the state, and at least according to the EPRP and its survivors, the initial phase of the “red terror” was directed by Meison instigators working inside that apparatus, and correspondingly, EPRP urban military operations were often directed against specific Meison members who assisted the forces of repression. This polemic dates from the period after Meison and the Derg fell out, when Meison was added to the list of targets of government “red terror.” The conflict between EPRP and Meison, rooted in political differences first nurtured in the student movement abroad that evolved into lethal sectarianism after 1974, was the central tragedy at the heart of the early years of the revolution. Yet, it must be said that the true nature of the Derg is best revealed by its evolving relationship with the civilian left. Shortly after this period, the Derg turned against all remaining civilian left groups, leaving Colonel Mengistu’s party Seded to transform itself into a state socialist party. Meison leader Haile Fida, mentioned in this text, was eventually executed by the Derg. Despite the optimistic tone at the end of this article, by this time the majority of the EPRP leadership in urban Ethiopia had already been brutally eliminated.
Meison sided with the ruling military Derg against the EPRP, and its members were among those leftists who trained the military cadre of the Derg in Marxist-Leninist concepts. Meison seems to have integrated itself into the security apparatus of the state, and at least according to the EPRP and its survivors, the initial phase of the “red terror” was directed by Meison instigators working inside that apparatus, and correspondingly, EPRP urban military operations were often directed against specific Meison members who assisted the forces of repression. This polemic dates from the period after Meison and the Derg fell out, when Meison was added to the list of targets of government “red terror.” The conflict between EPRP and Meison, rooted in political differences first nurtured in the student movement abroad that evolved into lethal sectarianism after 1974, was the central tragedy at the heart of the early years of the revolution. Yet, it must be said that the true nature of the Derg is best revealed by its evolving relationship with the civilian left. Shortly after this period, the Derg turned against all remaining civilian left groups, leaving Colonel Mengistu’s party Seded to transform itself into a state socialist party. Meison leader Haile Fida, mentioned in this text, was eventually executed by the Derg. Despite the optimistic tone at the end of this article, by this time the majority of the EPRP leadership in urban Ethiopia had already been brutally eliminated.
I will follow
this posting up soon with some polemics from the Derg itself against
Meison justifying its expanded campaign of repression. I have not yet
sourced English-language materials of this time period from Meison
itself. Indeed, unfortunately the memoirs published by surviving
Meison veterans seem to have appeared only in Amharic.
(Note: I have
not corrected typos or spelling inconsistencies from the original
typed and mimeographed text. In a few cases where the original was
cut off or hard to read, I have made an educated guess. By “social
imperialism” and “social imperialists,” this text refers to the
Soviet Union and its advocates.—ISH)
True enough Meisone
never pretended to be a party at first. As its name implied, the “All
Ethiopian Socialist Movement”, it posed as a movement and if it
ended up being a movement confined to the imperial palace and some
government institutions, it is no one’s fault but that of its
reactionary line and its anti-people leaders like Haile Fida, Negede
Gobeze and some others like Kebede Mengesha and Daniel Tadesse.
In the early days
of the February Revolution there was a small group in Addis Abeba
which used to put out leaflets, later to be called “Voice of the
People”, supporting the demand of the EPRP and the broad masses
for the formation of a popular provisional government. However, when
Haile Fida returned to Ethiopia after a prolonged sejour in Europe,
along with his tetinue, this group underwent a transformation. The
local elements who supported the popular demand and stood against the
junta were purged. The reformist and reactionary group of Haile Fida
took over and later emerged as Meison (or the AESM). Starting with
full support to the regime while being outside of the regime and
moveing fast to giving full support (in practical sense) to the
regime by being the actual functionaries of the regime, the Haile
Fida group emerged as the most ferocious enemy of the struggle of the
oppressed Ethiopian peoples.
Meisone argued that
“the Derg is progressive” and should be given support by
revolutionary forces. Hiding behind the slogan of “critical
support” the Haile Fida group allied itself with an anti-democratic
regime that would have been critically and firmly exposed and
combatted. Leaving aside the reformist claptrap about “critical
support” let us look briefly if the Meisone grouping did employ
this. Primarily, a party or group that allies itself with a regime
under the watchword of “'critical support” must have its own
independent existence, must have a strong base and must be critical
of the regime’s anti-democratic actions while extolling and
supporting its progressive ones. We do not subscribe to this
opportunist fantasy but that's what its exponents say. Meisone talked
a lot about critical support but in practice it not only supported
each and every anti-people actions of the Derg but it initiated these
repressive acts itself.
Meisone was the
organiser, the ideologue, the propagandist and the executioner for
the Derg. Meisone filled the bureaucracy, run the so-called
Provisional Office for Mass Organizational Affairs (POMOA), etc. At a
critical time when the junta was besieged by the mass revolutionary
movement and cornered, Meisone mercenaries came to its rescue and
beautifying the fascist regime through “Marxist” phrases carried
out a wide and extensive campaign of confusion and repression.
Together with the full and unconditional backing to the DERG (so much
so that there was absolutely no difference practically between
Meisone positions and that of the Derg) they undertook the physical
liquidation of militants and progressives from all sectors.
- Meisone undertook a wide campaign against the formation of a provisional peoples government and struggled for the maintenance of the military regime. It labelled this popular demand for the formation of the provisional peoples government as a “reactionary petty-bourgeois demand.”
- Meisone not only pushed for the banning of the Confederation of Ethiopian Labour Unions, the Ethiopian Teachers' Association, the Ethiopian Women Coordinating Committee, etc but it zealously worked to form a pro-Derg, Derg-controlled trade union, women’s union, etc.
- Meisone spearheaded the ferocious villification campaign against the EPRP and labelled the EPRP as an “enemy organisation that must be destroyed by force imeediately".
- Kebede Mengesha, Chairman of the .Addis Abeba POMOA and central Committee chairman of Meisone was the first to propose the carrying out of house to house searches in Addis Ababa. His proposal presented to the Derg in a written form were later applied causing the loss of so many lives amidst the people.
- Long before the Derg declared total war against the EPRP (September 1976), the central committee of Meisone gathered to vote death sentence on a list of EPRP members and sympathisers. The list was forwarded to the Derg and served as the first base for the massive man-hunt carried in Addis Ababa and other places.
- The members of Meisone organised within the POMOA and within the Kebeles carried out direct repression on the masses. The examples are many but suffice it to mention that the central committee member of Meisone, Negede Gobezie, led the assault on assembled university students and personally killed scores of students. Abdullahi Yususf, a leading Meisone member, brutally tortured and killed scores of workers and students in Harar, Dire Dawa, etc.
- On the eve of May Day 1977, using an anti-Derg demonstration as a pretext, Meisone armed groups roamed according to a predetermined plan killing more than 1000 people, majority of whom were young anti-Derg militants.
- The Meisone leaders evolved the Peasant March project on Eritrea and the EPRA areas in Tigrai in 1976. This project, code named Raza Project was defended by Meisone leader Negede Gobezie (in a talk to Ethiopian Ambassadors in Bonn) as a revolutionary action against “reactionary separatists”.
- When the Derg members restructured the Derg and reduced the dictatorial powers of Mengistu and tried to curb the killing spree undertaken by Meisone, Haile Fida and his clique schemed and plotted with Mengistu and stage a coup d’état in the palace and executed Major Moges, Teferi Benti and others.
Meisone worked hand
in glove with the dictator Mengistu. Their policy was not critical
support but uncritical and unconditional backing. And this is hardly
surprising as the dictator was implementing the actions drafted and
worked out by Meisone. Meisone wanted to be declared the legal and
only party ruling the country. On this, Mengistu had other ideas. His
group, Sede [sic], was being
inflated by forced and whole sale “recruitment.” The
contradiction between the dictator and the Haile Fida Group grew and
it was not long before Meisone fell like a house of cards. The social
imperialists who used Meisone as a bridge to establish good relations
with the Mengistu regime knew quite well in which plate they could
find their goulash and so remained allied to Mengistu and are helping
him establish his “party.”
Meisone was not a
group within the camp of the revolution. It had slipped from
reformism into outright crime against the people. Meisone members
were killers, informers, anti-people vermins. As such, they have been
subjected to the wrath of the people and have paid for some of their
Nowadays, a central
committee member of Meisone who has escaped to Europe, the killer and
torturer Negede Gobezie, has been giving press interviews in which he
has tried to sing “new” tunes and to make it appear as if Meisone
had been championing the demards of the masses! Let us briefly look
at this “new” position of Meisone (or what has remained of this
1. Meisone now
claims that it fights for the democratic rights of the masses and the
immediate promulagation of these. The truth is that when the EPRP
raised the slogan of “democratic rights to the masses without any
restriction”, Meisone led the attack against this revolutionary
demand and labelled it as a reactionary demand of “anarchists.”
One can refer to the various newspaper articles written by Meisone
members and the various issues of the Meisone paper, “Voice of the
People,”, to see that this group stood against the demand for
democracy and favoured the continuation of the military rule without
any democracy till the “masses become conscious”'. In fact
Meisone argued time and again that democracy did exist under the
Derg’s rule.
2. Meisone now
claims that it was opposed to the peasant march (Zemetcha) against
Eritreans, etc. However, the truth is that the conflict between the
regime and Meisone was only as to who (Meisone or Seded) will lead
the peasant militia. Making this amply clear, Meisone commented in
its organ, “Voice of the People” (No. 59, june 1977), in the
following terms:
“Meisone is not
a.petty bourgeois pacifist or peace worshipping organization. Thus it
supports all the actions in Northern Ethiopia or other areas taken to
liquidate reactionaries and to safeguard Ethiopia’s revolution and
unity.” (This was written explicitly to counter the “rumors”
which, according to Meisone asserted that Meisone was against the
peasant march on Eritrea, etc)
3. Meisone now
claims that it supports the Eritrean people's right to
self-determination and independence. This is another lie. Meisone has
been attacking the EPRP as “reactionary” because the EPRP
supported the right to independence of the Eritrean masses. Meisone
had been crying “death to Eritrean separatists!” in Abyot Square
and in its publications. In fact the aforementioned issue of “'Voice
of the People” explicitly states on page 3 that “Meisone does not
support the separation of Eritrea...and Meisone believes that the
solution to the Eritrean question is not independence but the strong
unity of the nationalities of Ethiopia.”
Meisone’s new
tune is, in short, as false as its previous affirmation of critical
support and other related hodge podge. It is another attempt at
deception by a group which has taken deception as principle. Meisone
tried to play with another devil in the form of Mengistu and found
out that the dictator and his followers are as cunning and as devoid
of morality as them. Meisone is a victim of its own crimes and if the
regime it has tried to strengthen turns against it, we can only say
that they got what was coming to them. The Meisone rif raff brought
social imperialism into the country and has now found out that the
Kremlin criminals have abandoned them and glued themselves to the
military thugs. Thus, Meisone may try to wear anti social imperialist
masks just as it is trying to e[illegible] the mass demands
which it had been fighting against so ferociously just a few months
Meisone did a lot
of damage to the revolutionary struggle of the oppressed masses.
Meisone caused the death of countless invaluable militants of the
EPRP and the broad masses. Meisone no longer exists as a viable [word
cut off] let alone a movement. However, the revolutionary
struggle of the oppressed masses continues to rage unabated. The EPRP
continues to grow stronger to deal heavy blows to the enemies of our
people. The fate of Meisone shows all opportunists to what end they
will come and that all their machinations are futile and will not
succeed to destroy the EPRP and the mass revolutionary struggle.
“Against the
social-traitors, against reformism and opportunism, this political
line can and must be followed in all spheres of the struggle without
exception. And then we shall win the working masses. And with the
working masses the Marxist centralised political party, the vanguard
of the proletariat, will take the people along the right road to the
triumph of proletarian dictatorship, to proletarian instead of
bourgeois democracy, to the Soviet Republic, to the socialist
There is a new book by Amare Tegbaru on Haile Fida. It is interesting book. Amare Tegbaru was in prison with Haile Fida. He was released after 7 years in Derg's prison. Amare is accused by some MEISON members including Merera Gudina for betraying MEISON members including Haile. Merera claims that Amare informed the Derg on the escape plans and after the escape the weherabputs of MESION leaders including Haile Fida.
ReplyDeleteWhat EPRP prophesies today that it supported multi-party system is a sheer lie. The DNA and true fabric of the Marxism-Leninism ideology did not allow other parties to function freely. It only allowed the so called ally "mass organizations" organized under the banner of the ideology. Today the same leaders of EPRP who were followers of this Marxist philosophy are preaching about multi party democracy. They changed their outlook after the failed Marxist-Leninist ideology they followed is delegated to the dust bin of history.